Extra funding may be made available to participants that meet Widening Participation criteria. The aim of Widening Participation is to make opportunities available for people from disadvantaged backgrounds, lower income households and under-represented groups. Our goal is to make global opportunities accessible and candidates more employable. Therefore, if you think you qualify for Widening Participation funding, please read the eligibility requirements below and start your journey with us! 

The extra funding available is up to £500 for programmes. This can only cover certain pre-departure expense types and all requests must be evidenced with receipts and agreed in advance, please read on to learn more. Please email us to agree on anything in advance.

Eligibility for Widening Participation Funding:

To be eligible for the funding, you must meet at least one of the criteria below:
  1. Participant with an annual household income of £25,000 or less * 
  2. Participant receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
  3. Participants in care or who are care experienced. This refers to anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked after background at any stage of their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked after
  4. Participants who have caring responsibilities. Caring responsibilities refers to a child or young person up to the age of 25 who provides (unpaid) care or intends to provide care for another person in, or outside of, the family home for someone who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or misusing drugs or alcohol
  5. Refugees and asylum seekers

Funding Coverage

Participants from these backgrounds can receive funding for exceptional costs, if agreed with us in advance. Exceptional costs are calculated on an actual cost basis and are specifically for any additional costs incurred to support the participation of Widening Participation participants.

Funding covers costs such as

  • passports
  • visas
  • insurance
  • vaccines

*What counts as household income?

Household income always includes income you get from your own savings, investments or property (for example dividends or rent).

It may also include your parents or partner’s income. This depends on your individual circumstances.

If you’re under 25 and financially depend on at least one parent, your household income includes:

  • your parents’ income, if you live with them or depend on them financially
  • the combined income of one of your parents and their partner, if you live with them or depend on them financially

If you’re under 25 and do not financially depend on your parents Your household income does not include your parents’ income if:

  • you have supported yourself financially for at least 3 years
  • you have been married or in a civil partnership at any time before the start of your course
  • you spent at least 13 weeks in the care of your local authority before you turned 16 – in this case, you might be able to apply as a care leaver
  • you’ve had no contact with your parents for over a year – in this case, you might be able to apply as an ‘estranged student’

If you’re over 25, your household income will not include your parents income if you are over 25, as you will be classed as an ‘independent student’.

Your household income will include your partner’s income, if you live with them (even if they spend most of their time abroad).

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